The Vault

Resources for digital growth.

We are now almost at the stage where we need to gather content, but before we do that, we need to determine a very important thing. Who is your client? Yes, there are many different types of people that might want your products or services, but who is your ideal, dream client?

If you went through the work of creating a business plan or a marketing plan, you likely already have this client figured out. The one that you are going to be targeting with your ads, the one who is most likely to make a purchase when they walk through your door. If you haven’t already determined who your dream client is, utilize the demographic information that is public information for your area, like this one for the Las Vegas area to help you create a picture of your targeted market. If you are an existing business with Google Analytics and/or social media pages, you may be able to see information of the people visiting your pages which could be a good indicator of your target customer.

In the case of our client, her business has been in operation for 14 years and she utilizes a scheduling software that can easily pull a report of her average client. She can also access her Google Analytics information and Facebook Insights to get a snapshot of who has been interacting with her business online already. When she has this information in hand, she then has a clear picture of what her current customer base looks like and determine if she is happy with that customer or if she’d like to steer her business toward a different type of customer.

Once you have your dream client defined, you are better equipped to tailor your website toward the demographic that you want to walk through your doors. This will help you make decisions about colors and fonts, as well as the way you word your content.

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