The Vault

Resources for digital growth.

Now that we have the basic information in our hands from our client, We are ready to begin creating. We have an idea of how she wants her website laid out, we have an idea of the feel she would like her website to deliver and we have basic content and photographs that will be finding their place on the pages we build out.

This is a time for the client to just sit back and relax and a time for us to roll up our sleeves.  During this time, you may hear from us with questions for clarification, requests for more information or more photos.
When the framework of your website is finished with all of the content loaded, we will go through your site with you page by page, noting any edits that may need to be made and also offering any suggestions that may make your website perform better or easier to navigate.

In the case of the client that we have been talking about in our previous posts, we suggested enabling the user to see specific types of images in the  image gallery, by clicking on differently labeled  links and we suggested adding a search box where her clients can search for themselves by first name. If they are in any of the posted images, links will pop up so they know where to go to see their photos.

Both of these suggested features give existing clients a reason to go to the business’s website and they both create the opportunity for existing and perspective clients to spend more time on the website, which is great for SEO. There is still much to do for your site, but you will now know what it’s going to look like! Stay tuned for next steps.

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