The Vault

Resources for digital growth.

We’re working on a new site build for a client that is starting a new business in Oregon. Of course we’re very happy to be putting her vision for her business into a website, but we are also super excited about her business in and of itself, because her concept is unique and will fill a need that is not currently being met. We love it when we meet people that have a great idea and then ACT on it!

Because her business is new, she is needing assistance with logo design to brand her business, as well as all of the other components of her website.

If you are in need of a new logo, or want to redesign your logo, here are some ideas to keep in mind when working on your logo:

With these ideas in mind, your logo design should go more smoothly and you should end up with a logo that represents your company well.

Starfire has graphic designers on hand to assist with just this kind of thing. Whether you have no idea of the direction you’d like to take your logo or whether you have a very specific idea in mind, we’ll work with you to create a logo that represents your vision for your company.

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